Writers Training Track

Author at work

For beginning and
published writers.

Develop the Writer in You

  • Sharpen your writing skills.
  • Increase creative focus and energy.
  • Enjoy professional guidance.
  • Prepare for publishing.


Mountain Lake

The Adirondack Writing Summit

A 5-day, or 10-day creative getaway for the evolving writer!

  • Bring your creative idea.
  • We supply a writing coach, an historic inn, and the Adirondack grandeur.

A true “summit” experience!

Coming Soon

The Conscious Athlete

Life Transitions Seminar

aspiration ad

Click here and tell us yours!

You can have one amazing life.

At Ascent, we believe you know what you need to live an amazing life. Each of us has an aspiration with enough potency to lift us to a better way of living… or simply to propel us on to that one important goal we need to reach.

And so, we offer training workshops and summits that match your personal aspirations—like your desire to improve

athletic performance
life direction

We start by equipping you for powerful and profound growth. That means training you in simple mind-body skills that have amazing benefits!—like creating positive focus, heightening awareness, and elevating you to a state of alert-calm. With the newly-increased mental energy, your whole inner being becomes a potent force in helping you change, heal, create, and re-direct your life.

We couple this with teaching in the specific skills you need to realize your aspiration—offered by experts in fields of healthcare, business, the creative arts, athletics, personal and career development.

Our aspiration is to help you live your life—your one amazing life—better.

A wise and insightful poet has said,

There is only one life
you can call your own
and a thousand others
you can call by any name you want.

*From All the True Vows, by David Whyte.