What’s YouR aspiration?

Send it on a postcard and we’ll post it.

An aspiration is a force within us that can propel us toward a better way to live, a happier way to be, a more satisfying work to do. When an aspiration is energized and directed it can elevate us to a better place.
Aspirations can be national in scope—the way, for instance, the Tibetan people’s desire to be truly autonomous and self-determining again is represented by the thousands and thousands of prayer flags that ride the winds everywhere in that land. Or they can be personal—like a desire to improve athletic performance, to deepen a relationship, to override or conquer an illness or disorder, to grow creatively, or re-energize a business.
At Ascent, we believe an aspiration provides the spark that ignites a whole series of real and lasting change in our lives. We aspire. We learn. We act. We grow...in mind, body, and spirit. We achieve. In this way, our personal evolution happens.

Businesses can have aspirations, too. Ascent has two—one for our clients, and one of a philanthropic nature—and both come from its founder, David Hazard.

“Ascent’s primary goal to develop programs and products—focused on important life ‘tracks’—that will train people to make profound, lasting personal changes. We want to help them reach the level of health, fitness, intimacy in relationships, creativity, or business success they want to achieve.

“And our other aspiration is to bring a higher quality of life, and lift the spirits, of young people who are suffering from serious anxiety disorders. Millions suffer from debilitating chronic anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, or phobias, or eating disorders. They cannot imagine a life free of anxiety, let alone reach the life goals they dream about.

“A portion of all funds that come to Ascent are being used to develop camps where young people can work with top-level specialists in a relaxed and fun setting. Also to provide support training for their families.

“In this way, your aspirations help to support our private aspiration—which is to lift young people who are stuck and struggling, become free so they can move on toward the happy, productive lives they want to live.”

One more thing.

We also believe in “synchronicity”. When we have the courage to declare who we truly are, and what we need, interesting and amazing things start to happens. Doors open. Chance meetings occur. Strategic pieces fall into place. Help appears. It’s as if a force from beyond ourselves joins efforts with us to move us toward the life that is truly ours.

Send us your aspiration, on a postcard of your special design. What is it you want to do, or become? What will make your life meaningful, happy, free, exciting, fulfilled ?

Post your aspirations here, along with ours—like prayer flags riding the winds. Then begin moving toward your dreams, and watch what happens....

Send a postcard to:

P.O. Box 6132
Leesburg, VA 20178


My aspiration card.